Annual WAB Reach Retreat

The Reach Retreat is the perfect blend of fun, teamwork, strategising, good times and great times.
— Radhini, People Operations Manager


What is the Reach Retreat?

The Reach Retreat is hosted annually at a different location around Australia for the HQ team. We spend 4 days together at the start of each year to help us refocus, reenergise and realign shortly after returning from our Christmas break. It’s a chance for us to discuss our objectives and goals for the year, look at what’s to come for the year ahead in terms of products and new developments and more importantly it helps us spend quality time with one another (away from an office setting).

Who goes to the Reach Retreat?

All Members of the HQ team attend the retreat. They help make our entire operation a success. This retreat is not just about focusing on the year ahead of us but it is a way of rewarding our amazing team for their hard work for the previous year.

The Reach Retreat literally feels like I’m going on a mini holiday with a bunch of friends!
— Julz, PR & Influencer Manager

What happens at the retreat?

We do so many different things! We carefully select locations where there are many activities to choose from. We like to give our team free to time to enjoy their surroundings. They can use the time to do what they like to do…. Meditating on the beach, going for a long walk, surfing, running, reading a book in the park etc.

During the day we strategise as a team. We look at our wins and learnings and use this insight to help guide us into making the right decisions for the year ahead. We use this time to go through big milestones for the year and any new product drops coming up.

At the retreat we also have a few team activities. These activities help us form stronger connections with our colleagues and a whole lot of fun!

Ohhh and we all love our food so that only means one thing… tasty food and yummy drinks for the duration of our stay at the retreat!

We Are Brands is so incredibly generous. I cannot believe how spoiled we get!! I truly feel so valued.
— Holly, Influencer and Social Media Assistant

Meet the Team: Holly


Meet the Team: Kim